10 Reasons to Start Your Meditation Practice Today

Have you ever wondered how much influence your thoughts have on your daily life?Or how much transformation is possible simply by changing the way you think? Research (and my very own personal experience) overwhelmingly suggest one thing:Your mind is more powerful than you can imagine. The science of meditation has shown us how deeply […]
How core work makes your students stronger, healthier and more resilient

Photo by Lenka McCarthy Photography In our challenging times, I’d like to share why core work has never been more important and offer you five classes as a bonus. More and more, science is proving that exercise improves mental health and reduces anxiety and depression. Read the proof here, here and here. Since 2020, […]
How my core fell in love with Uddiyana Bandha Kriya

Krishnamacharya practicing Uddiyana Bandha Kriya After I gave birth to my lovely baby boy, I was in the same situation as every woman. I had to rebuild my core. As a yoga teacher, I’m even more aware of the importance of a strong core. And we’re not talking about the awesome six-pack I was always […]